Mark Price is the CEO of Firewire Surfboards. Kamea Chayne is the host of Green Dreamer - a podcast for creatives, visionaries and entrepreneurs dreaming of a sustainable future.
This episode covers much with Mark, such as:
- What first got Mark into sustainability.
- The process of manufacturing conventional surfboards versus ECOBOARDs.
- Mark’s greatest personal challenge in growing Firewire from a startup.
- What Mark believes allowed people to break through their initial resistance to riding eco-boards.
- What Mark believes has been key to Firewire going from startup to becoming a global brand.
- The most common struggles facing Eco-Entrepreneurs and how to overcome them.
- How sustainably-driven startups and small companies can compete against large corporations that already dominate.
For more on this episode, visit And to see Mark surfing the Slater Designs Cymatic, visit