Kevin Whilden is a permafrost geologist who as a child collected rocks everywhere he went whether playground or Yellowstone Hot Springs or Catalina Island and even Antarctica in 1995 when he was a Graduate Student student studying Periglacial Geomophology (WTF?).
“Look, I like rocks” he says “because they tell a story that’s interesting. Geologists are essentially crime scene investigators.. rocks and fossils tell a story of the past in a way that helps us envision the future.”
His curious obsession with rocks is something he suspects his son might be inheriting, saying “Today my son steals rocks from the neighbors yard here in South Bay.“
It’s here in South Bay just up the road from El Porto and Manhattan Beach, the Southern Californian Beach Breaks where he surfs daily, that he helms Sustainable Surf with his partner Michael Stewart.
Much more in the Show Notes for this episode at: